Additional items, like barbed-wire fences, guard towers, and pillboxes, can also be constructed. The bulldozers construct the resource depot near a source of plastic, such as the dog's dish or toys, while the dump trucks mine them for material to build facilities like barracks, where grunts, the heart of the army, are created.
The first step in each mission is to construct a base, then acquire resources with bulldozers and dump trucks to begin building units and structures. Action takes place around the house, in the backyard, kitchen, and bathroom. The missions include before and after cut-scenes featuring Sarge, the tough-as-nails commander who motivates you in classic drill-sergeant style. The second mode, Campaign, has 15 huge linear missions with several objectives in each. Great Battles, the first of two single-player modes, consists of eight scenarios with single objectives (e.g., destroy the enemy base, create a certain type of building). Two factions, the greens versus the tans, fight for one objective - capture the defecting green general and bring him in.
It's a solid real-time strategy game and, while hardcore fans may find it a bit simplistic, most will enjoy it, as will newcomers to the genre. Army Men RTS lets you relive the wars waged in your yard or on the kitchen floor using little plastic green men.